Sunday, June 10, 2007

From the Seat of a Bike, Things I Appreciate...

The DH (dear hubby) and I did an intense four hours on the bike today. This ride is our last long one before we start the bike tour. I had time to write this post in my head as I pedaled and sweated up and down the hills of south-central Indiana.

From the Seat of a Bike, Things I Appreciate...
  • Birds. Today alone we saw three indigo buntings, a bluebird, several red-winged blackbirds, and big vultures. I didn't see it, but two bird watchers we came across had spotted a bald eagle.

  • Shade and a light breeze.

  • People who wave and smile as they pass.

  • People who do NOT talk on their cell phones as they drive.

  • Rolling hills that promise as many downs and ups.

  • Reaching the top of a really big hill and ringing my bike bell.

  • Moments of feeling really in tune with my bike and its connection to the road.

  • Wild flowers.

  • The smell of honeysuckle.

  • Smiling and waving at other cyclists. They get it, too!

  • Pringles and Dr. Pepper - nothing tastes better after riding really hard!

  • The canopy of green.
  • Lazy cows on the hill slopes.

  • A mama horse and her foal.

  • Turtles that stick their necks out and cross the road.

  • Deer that skip across the road.

  • Chipmunks with their mouths full.
  • Keeping my sense of humor even tho I'm tuckered out.
  • Lots of gears to get me up the biggest hills, and not always having to use them.
  • Water.
  • Sunscreen and shades.
  • The DH's great training plan.

  • Knowing I could have ridden further.

  • The DH's chiseled legs and cute butt. I seem to be always chasing them.

Indigo Bunting


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    You should be writing for bicycling magazine and nature, too!

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I like your new photo!

  3. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I have called a second recommendation from your blog to the Bookmobile! Thanks, Mary

  4. ohhhhh...sounds lovely! Especially the birds, I love birds.

    I love that new photo with that gorgeous hair of yours. WOW! lovely!

    You should come to JustBe!

  5. Isn't it great how the cadence of movement (riding, running, hiking, swimming, whatever) and the nature around you can clear the cobwebs? Love it!


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