Tuesday, July 17, 2007

St. Mary-of-the-Woods

I visited St. Mary-of-the-Woods this past weekend. It's both a small college campus and the motherhouse of the Sisters of Providence. The campus served as the perfect backdrop for our weekend dedicated to writing. I enjoyed lush views, secluded nooks, lots of benches and gazebos, a labyrinth, and pretty gardens. I hope to return! One of the missions of the Sisters of Providence is Eco-Justice, which impressed me! I wish more religious folk would see the connection between spirituality and the environment. Here are some photos of the campus.

Does anyone know how this grassy space might be used? I could imagine games of croquet.

I loved how the sunlight fell on this statue.

I enjoyed walking the labyrinth.

The cemetery was a powerful place. A "sea of sisters." I spent some time writing about this, especially how I thought it unfair that priests have tombstones much larger and more ostentatious than the sisters.

The inside walls of the Shell Chapel are literally covered with shells from the Wabash river.

The Sisters of Providence have Eco-Justice as a mission. They host a weekly farmer's market and have a community garden, which I believe is organic.

I spent a lot of time at this pretty spot.

The Sisters of Providence also raise alpacas.

And they have their own semi-truck. I'm not sure why.

Plus a sense of humor!


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    That looks like a nice place to visit. And thanks for visiting my blog and complimenting my "hair do." It is a pompadour. I chose this image as my stand-in because I have thick, curly hair which can stand out from my head if I let it.

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I've always wanted a big lot where I could have some alpacas that could be hearded by my chihuahuas. Love the parking sign!

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    We've visited the campus many times, as it is about ten minutes from Troy's parents. It's a lovely place with a really nice spirit. I've found several treasures in their gift shop.

  4. looks great! Please share your writings!!!

  5. hee~hee...I love the semi! It really looks like a beautiful, spiritual place, and I JUST love a good farmer's market! I bet it's pretty cool!

  6. Anonymous9:49 AM

    This is so lovely! It looks the sort of place you could go to and truly choose whether you want to be alone or share in the activities. The moment I saw that big grassy area all I could think of is what a great spot to play a childhood game like go,go stop or tag, but I'm suspecting the sisters don't do that.

    Love that this sort of place still thrives today :)

  7. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I'm so glad you liked the retreat, and are joining the WWF(a)C community this fall! First United (The Promptcare Church) has a lovely labyrinth, open 24/7. MKP


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