Monday, August 27, 2007

Teaz Me

I was in CA for work last week and had the opportunity to visit Teaz Me (in Roseville, CA).

Teaz Me is a "tea bar & fusion cafe." The company's tag line is "Tempting Teas. Provocative food."

I had a great time visiting this place with my friend C. She ordered a pomarita freeze (blended tea sorbet) and I got a tangerine ginger (sparkling infusion). These tea concoctions were both refreshing and tasty. The sparking drink had more of an actual tea flavor than the pomarita. For the tea purists, you can also purchase an endless pot of white, green, oolong or black tea, herbal tisanes and rooibos beverages for $3.85.

C is a glass artist. I was enamored with these pieces of hers, the first ones she fired from her new kiln. I can't wait to see more! You can see more of her pieces here.

For dinner, we both had fusion bowls with grilled tofu, organic brown rice and organic baby greens. I had the miso dressing. It was very tasty!

I also came home with Teaz Me shorts. Maybe the DH (dear hubby) will have fun chasing me in these. I'm thinking of when we go for a run, of course!

If you live near a Teaz Me (there are three in CA), I recommend visiting! The tea beverages are inventive and tasty. The food is good and they use many organic ingredients. Free wireless is available. Teaz Me sells a small number of retail items, reasonably priced. The decor is bright and whimsical. I think this concept of a tea cafe will appeal to new markets for tea and help open the tea market beyond traditional Victorainish venues. (Don't get me wrong - I like those too. I just think a cafe like this appeals to the hip, young crowd.) I wish I had a Teaz Me closer to home! (And special thanks to Allibrew for the recommendation.


  1. Glad you gals got a chance to visit this place! Love the shorts! :)

  2. I cannot believe you were at Teaz Me last week! I live 40 minutes from Roseville and visit it often! What a small world. Yes, I love their drinks and food.

    Thanks for your sympathy on my little hiccup on my blog...hope to be completely in the swing tomorrow.

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I wish they had one of those stores around where I live - but I'm clear across the country in PA.

    That looks like a great place. Too bad their aren't any tea places like that around here.


  4. oh my those shorts :) although I do believe they should fit a tad tighter!!! I will make sure I make it to this place when I visit with C soon :)


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