Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Maple Sugar Candy

A good friend (AZ Tea Lover) sent me some maple sugar candy from the Adirondack Mountains.

It was so delicious! I loved to take a little nibble and then a sip of hot tea and let the candy melt on my tongue. Heaven! The rich sweetness of the maple candy melds perfectly with a strong black tea.


  1. Oooh, that sounds yummy and looks so pretty!

  2. Mmmmmm, maple sugar candy~ in the shape of maple leaves~ used to be a much-anticipated Christmas treat when I was growing up. Pairing it with tea sounds like a lovely and sophisticated way to enjoy it!

  3. I have had a delicious blend of maple black
    that I have in tea bags that taste like sweet maple syrup. This tea is great if your craving something sweet and do not want to actually consume lots of sugar.


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