Monday, October 22, 2007

Fall Colors

This week and next will be the height of the fall colors in my little part of the Midwest. And Wow - what a year! I didn't think it would be very pretty because the trees had been very stressed this year with the drought. Mother Nature had other plans. Check out these gorgeous colors! (All photos were taken within a 10-minute walk of my house.)


  1. Beautiful! I love the colors of fall. We thought the same around here (MA) where we've been experiencing a drought, too, but the color is spectacular. It's just occurring a little later than normal. -Karen

  2. I think I love the image of the fallen leaves strewn on green grass the most of all these exquisite images. Thanks. I agree. This year's foliage is the most vivid and varied in recent years.

  3. Very pretty! Don't you just love this time of year? We have a cluster of the reddest trees I've ever seen right next to our offramp on the freeway. Even the icky places are prety now. :)

  4. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Beautiful photography, Stephanie! How I miss autumn in the midwest....


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