Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween and Teavana in Chicago

Happy Halloween! I hope you are enjoying the mystery and fantasy of this day! It is one of my absolute favorite holidays. I carved this pumpkin last night, using a power drill. That's a heart with a peace sign inside - not a witch's broom. :-) The DH (Dear Hubby) and I were playing around with exposure times and camera movement.

I hope my nose stops running (the plague of allergies) to let me dress up and hand out candy this evening. I plan to dress up as a witch, but I think the costume is turning into a punk witch sort of deal. Pictures tomorrow...

I want to continue with the Chicago tea trip report and talk about Teavana, in Water Tower Place, right along the Magnificent Mile and close to the Drake hotel. In fact, we visited Teavana twice - once on the way to the Drake and then on the return, to make purchases. Teavana describes itself as a "tea salon." It's a retail outlet for good tea. Teavana employees offer samples as one enters, and this time they were featuring rooibos (African red bush tea, an herbal). The rooibos chai was very nice.

Teavana is a visual feast. The store is dressed in vivid colors and gorgeous tea wares. I love to go in and just absorb the atmosphere.

Orange is my favorite color, so the tea set above really caught my attention!

If you visit Teavana, you may also want to check out the store next door - Crane & Co. stationery. Oh, my - another round of temptations. Stationery is a major weakness for me! I came home with a (small) box of cards. I think I was pretty restrained, given the amount of temptation present at both stores!

Next up, I'll write about the movie Bella, Chicago Pizza and Trader Joe's. (I'm still on the first day!)


  1. Sounds like a fun trip. I'm looking forward to hearing more. Sorry about the allergies have been driving me crazy too.

    Happy Halloween Steph!

  2. I can't believe you actually used a power drill to carve your pumpkin. I was skeptical.

  3. Great pumpkins! Hey...I have been to Teavanna - there is one in the mall in San Jose. It smelled wonderful. They did have great stuff no doubt and I did get a sample :)

  4. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Those are some great photos of the pumpkin!

  5. okay, so i'm way behind in my blog-reading.

    what a trip down memory lane - i used to LOVE going to the Water Tower when i was growing up.

    i LOVE your costume and your pumpkin. it made me chuckle because the design is the same as a neon sign i use as a landmark when i'm at burning man. it's one of my favorite images - may there be peace in your heart.

    btw - you make a very dangerous witch...the kind who looks so innocent that you'll never get caught! ;-)


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