Monday, October 29, 2007

So Much To Say!

I've just returned from the Chicago tea trip. Let me tell you, my tea traveling companions tea-partied me under the table! We had a great time and saw so much, including:

  • 2 full afternoon teas
  • 4 tea bar/cafe/retail-type stores
  • 2 cupcakeries
  • One great movie (Bella)
  • One Chicago pizza
  • Several walks downtown and along the magnificent mile
  • A trip to Northwestern University
  • A visit to the Baha'i temple
  • 2 trips to Trader Joe's
  • A hunting expedition for "Webkins" that ended in a happy surprise
  • A trip to Ikea
  • And lots of fun!
I'll be writing about all of this over the next few days. Stay tuned!


  1. Wow! You had a jam-packed weekend! I can't wait to hear more!

  2. Living in Chicago, I am awed and impressed that you visited so many and such far-flung locations in one weekend! I'm eager to hear more!

  3. Sounds great!!! I can't wait to hear more!


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