Monday, November 12, 2007

Cookies and Milk

What is your favorite cookie for dunking into milk? Mine is definitely Chips Ahoy (original). I would never dunk homemade cookies - they're much too precious!

Over the weekend, the DH (dear hubby) brought home some whole milk from the food coop where he works. (It was the day of expiration, and they pull the milk from the shelves.) Another meeting I attended required cookies. Hmmmm....whole milk and leftover cookies? It had to be Chips Ahoy originals!

I can't remember ever having consumed whole milk before (tho I'm sure I had it as a kid). Like many of my generation, I grew up on 2% and switched to skim as an adult. This whole milk experience was fun! The plug in the top of the glass jar was delicious - sweet cream. I could have eaten all of it, but instead I mixed it in with the rest of the milk. There were little bits of cream floating around in the milk as I dunked my cookies. I ate way more than I should have!

Mmmmm......such an indulgence! What cookie would you choose to dunk?


  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I prefer dunking Oreos or biscotti. Any crunchy cookie will do, as long as it's not too sweet.

  2. I'm with you- Chips Ahoy original are the best. My confession- I drank whole milk every day until I was nearly 20! It is just that good.

  3. i have never actually dunked a cookie in milk. maybe it is my virgo nature that likes things neat... and that seems messy! ;-)

    but i like to eat oreas and chocolate chip cookies.. and snickerdoodles...

  4. Oreo is the winner for me ~ it's the only cookie I ever dunk in my milk. . . wish I had some right now!


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