Friday, November 30, 2007

The Finish Line

To the best of my knowledge, I've blogged every day in November! Wahoo! And I only had to cheat with fluff content a couple of times. Participating in National Blog Posting Month was much more challenging than I anticipated. I'm a frequent blogger by my nature, so I thought it would be no big deal. What I realized is that the days I don't blog are as important as the days I do! They give me ideas and passion to write more. So now I will return to my frequent - but not every day - blogging. I hope you come back!

A special thanks to those of you who visited, and especially those who left comments!


  1. Hurray! Well Done!

  2. Congratulations! It is tough to blog everyday! Nancy

  3. congrats. it's cool to have gotten through the whole month blogging every day.. and i think you've really tuned in to your own natural rhythms... so you can ease back into communicating when you feel inspired to do so.

    it's been fun to stop in and know there'd be something new. i've learned a lot.

    will be back.


  4. I loved your daily blogs - I am sad that it is the end of November! Looking forward to reading more. :-)

  5. I'm impressed! :) It's been fun to read your blog each day... and I'm also glad that November is over. Do you think you'll do it again next year? I think I won't. Ha!


I value your comments, thank you!