Monday, November 26, 2007

A Grandmother's Gift

The day was perfect for tea! Chilly, rainy and gray. Three friends joined A at her lovely home, nestled in the woods on the outskirts of town. We watched the rain and the leaves fall while we sat snugly in her beautiful home.

This was a special tea party because we used china that had been passed from A's grandmother to her mother and now to her. It's beautiful china, but the true specialness is in the love and memories that come along with it.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    That's beautiful china! I'm glad your friend decided to share it.

  2. That is beautiful china. And I'm glad your friend is using it. Her Grandmother would be proud.

  3. Thanks so much for the pictures. I am happy for you to have friends to take tea with who appreciate their grandmother's gifts to our generation. That's terrific!

    And just loved it that you sent your guy a thank you note for your quiet Thanksgiving. Very sweet, Steph!

    I hope you have a beautiful December.

  4. Oh my word, that is gorgeous! Your friend is so blessed to have inherited such lovely tea accoutrements, and I am ALWAYS pleased to hear people are actually using them, not just sitting them in the curio cabinet!


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