Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Local Thanksgiving Dinner

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have some friends that are celebrating today with a Thanksgiving dinner that is as local as possible. The turkey is from a local farm. The vegetables are from a local CSA (community-supported agriculture) farm and the farmer's market. It's a marvelous thing. They are truly eating with the season and with bounty of the immediate area.

Food that is grown within your region (and thus picked at ripeness) and not subjected to long-distant transport is more nutritious, better for the environment, and in support of your neighbors.

People like my friends who strive to live simply and consciously inspire me!


  1. i love being part of the CSA. just going out to the orchard each week to acquire my crops is a highlight of my week. deeply nourishing.

    the party sounds fun.

    happy thanksgiving!

  2. Anonymous6:16 AM

    This post reminds me of the book, _Animal, Vegetable, Miracle_ by Barbara Kingsolver. I have not yet ready it but it sounds great. For info see:

  3. Very cool! Like frivolitea, this reminded me of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. Great book!


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