Friday, November 02, 2007


That stands for National Blog Posting Month, and I'm in. Thanks to Anna for making me aware of this! I'm committing to post EVERY day for the month of November. Read more here:

Think this sounds tough? It's nothing compared to what the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) folks are doing - writing a Novel in a month!

I'm feeling prolific today - two posts in one day - wahoo! Cheers!


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Woo-hoo! Go for it!

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I couldn't do NaNoWriMo if you held a gun to my head for the entire month of November.

    Also, your arm would probably get tired at some point,

    NaBloPoMo, I can do. Probably.

  3. Good Luck with the Blog Posting. I love to read your blog so I will enjoy the frequent updates.

    Check me out on NANOWRIMO

    It is not as bad as it seems. Only 1600 words a day.

    I ran intto Barbara and two Monday am writers on my dancing about town today. It is such a small small writers world.


  4. That's funny that you wrote about this, since *I* am doing NaNoWriMo. My theory is that I can do ANYTHING for just one month!


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