Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Speaking Out Loud

Tonight I am reading a piece that I've been working on for my Women Writing for (a) Change class. It's a public "readaround." I'm excited and a little nervous.

It's funny, really, because I do a lot of public speaking for my job. Sometimes I speak to very large audiences. I don't generally get nervous there. But this is different - these are my words, my stories. Personal and important to me.

The good news is that the writing class is structured to provide a safe and supportive environment. I'm looking forward to this -- and to the treats and goodies that will be at the reception when we're done! :-)


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I'll be thinking of you tonight. Wish I could be there. (giving you little signs, like a cough, or looking at my watch, to let you know your time is about up:) It seems like I did alot of that in earlier years. Enjoy your time.

  2. This sounds like so much fun! I have no doubt you'll do great. :)

  3. Stephanie--
    Your reading was simply fabulous tonight. I hope you are encouraged to do more. You have a gift.

    xxoo ESME

  4. Wasn't it a wonderful night? Hooray!

  5. it was great. and you looked and sounded poised! thanks for sharing. it was a vivacious evening.


  6. Thank you for all the encouraging comments!

  7. You continually amaze me! Your writing is absolutely wonderful and I'm so glad I was there to share the evening with you.


I value your comments, thank you!