Sunday, November 04, 2007

Tea Gschwendner

On Saturday morning, we got up early and headed to our first tea stop - Tea Gschwendner. This German company specializes in high-quality teas. We were fortunate because "Tea G," as I call it, was within walking distance from our hotel. This location (1160 N. State Street) was the site of the company's first US store. There is another location on North Halsted (2142) that also serves food.

Stepping into Tea G was like stepping into a bit of heaven for me. The retail space artfully showcased all kinds of lovely tea and tea things. These glass teapots caught my fancy (but I didn't bring one home).

The back wall was full of tea, each in a tidy silver container. Very classy.

We tried a scented Oolong (Bosa Nova) that was very nice to drink. Two of us came home with some as a souvenir. From Tea G's website: Bosa Nova -
"Semi-oxidized Oolong tea with a creamy, slightly nutty taste enhanced with the finest vanilla. Ingredients: Oolong tea, hazelnut brittle, mullein blossoms, natural flavor." I have been enjoying this tea all week!

When a customer purchases a tea, s/he is also sent away with a sample. I chose another Oolong, Sumatra Oolong Barisan. This Oolong is interesting because it is not from Taiwan - but rather from Indonesia. I've never had an Oolong from anywhere but Taiwan. In addition to the sample, customers receive a tea scoop called a Teelamass in his/her choice of color (red, blue or green) for measuring out the appropriate amount of tea. The brewing instructions on the package correspond with the scoop measurements.

Michelle, the store manager, was very knowledgeable about tea. I enjoyed chatting with her a great deal. I think I could have spent half a day at this store. :-)

If you visit Tea Gschwendner, be sure to sign up for the e-mail list and also request the company's "Book of Tea." It's free and contains over 100 pages of tea information, along with descriptions of the teas. For any serious tea connoisseurs, Tea G also offers various tea-of-the-month clubs.

Stopping at Tea G was definitely one highlight of the tea trip for me. I hope to make it to the other location with the bistro at a future time. Tea G also sells teas from its website. Click the "shop" tab.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Wow. Are all the employees as hot as the manager? I could spend half a day with her!

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I've had several of Tea Gschwendner's teas - they are fantastic. The company has been around a while - it knows what it is doing!

  3. What a lot I missed in a week! Love your punk witch outfit! Am enjoying reading about your tea adventures, too. :)

  4. For my birthday last year, my own DH purchased a sampler of tea from Tea Gschwendner and a beautiful stainless steel all-in-one tea pot. I was surprised and delighted at his ingenuity and effort . . . until I realized the store was only steps away from his office!

  5. This was my favorite tea store! Lots of pretty things to look at, and the tea is wonderful! Can't wait to visit again!

  6. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Tea Gschwendner brings a whole new level to the tea experience. Whether you have loved tea all your life or just been turned on by a special someone there is definitely something special about that store.

  7. I always like learning about a new tea place, and I LOVE their chic glass teapots!


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