Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Family Storybook

It's been feeling like final exams around here, and I haven't been in school for 6 years! I started this project of collecting family stories over a year and a half ago, then got serious about it this summer when I collected (and scanned) a bunch of old family photos.

My mom has six brothers and sisters, each an interesting person with compelling stories. When you combine these stories with the old photos, it creates a really rich family storybook. And this baby is about to be launched. Wahoo!

I'm finally letting go of the need to have it perfect. I just don't have time. If a period is in the wrong place or a photo isn't perfectly centerd, life will go on. I don't think it will lessen the experience of this gift.

Here is one of my favorite family photos from the project...

The Jolly Workers and their Easter Bonnets

The Jolly Workers were a church service group. Included in this photo are my great-grandmother, grandmother, several aunts and one uncle!


  1. What a treasure your book will be! Great idea!

  2. What a wonderful project that will bless your family for generations. Good job!

  3. Wow. I hope to get a glimpse of this wonderful book on Christmas Eve. What an amazing gift of time must have gone into it! I am sure it is as perfect as it needs to be if it captures even a fraction of the spirit and love of the clan.

  4. this is fantastic. what a great gift.

  5. Steph,
    You are amazing! I can't wait to read this. What a lovely gift to give to our family. I can't wait to read this and see all of the photos!

  6. Anonymous8:51 AM

    That's a hoot of a photo! You have some family members with a sense of humor - jolly indeed! :-)

  7. They do look like a right jolly bunch!
    What a wonderful gift you are creating. My Mom has told us many treasured family stories over the years so I decided to make her some "My Stories" journals so she can write them down. I've been working on them this week so I quite enjoyed reading your post about your storybook. Thanks for sharing!

  8. What a great photo - it just makes you smile! and wonderful treasury of memories you will have. How thoughtful! Nancy

  9. ahhhhh....lucky you to have such a rich history of your family! I can see why this is one of your faves!

    Merry Christmas darling!!


    ~Jes Berry


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