Sunday, January 06, 2008

LadyBugs Gifts & Decor

I attended an afternoon tea and presentation today at LadyBugs Gifts & Decor in my hometown. The speaker, a massage therapist and herbalist, educated us on the benefits of herbal infusions, in addition to other health-related topics. Ronda, one of the owners, served Lady Londonberry and Peppermint tea, scones and savories. After the program, we had the opportunity to browse through the wonderful gift shop. All purchases were at a 10% discount.

If you live near me, I encourage you to visit this very lovely gift shop. The store has lots and lots of gorgeous tea-related treasures at quite reasonable prices. Today I came home with a honey dipper. Last time I visited, I picked up a copy of Chicken Soup for the Tea Lover's Soul: Stories Steeped in Comfort. I have heartily enjoyed this book! In the tradition of the Chicken Soup series, the stories are uplifting and highlight the best of humanity. It's a perfect book for giving yourself a boost of positive thoughts.

I recommend both LadyBugs Gifts & Decor and Chicken Soup for the Tea Lover's Soul.

Oh, and I almost forgot! I will be the guest speaker at LadyBugs' February Program. I'll be speaking on the etiquette of the British afternoon tea. I hope you can join us! Sunday, February 10th, 2 pm. Call 337-9908 to reserve your seat.


  1. I would LOVE to come to your next even where you are speaking but alas, I am too far away. I think. HA! The little shop sounds grand! I will check into that book as well. I really miss going to Tea!!!
    We have NO Tea Rooms left in our area at all and it's a reproach! My very good friend owned one very near by and had to give it up after her husband passed away to get job. One that paid. Ugh!
    So sad.
    It's important to "support" the Tea places you do have or else it could happen to them as well. This city has seen a ton of Tea Shops open and close and we are a big town too so it amazes me.
    My friend's Tea Room was such a GREAT "gathering" place for many of us. Plus we helped do her Tea's at times too and I really, really, miss that and the sweet fellowship we all had there.
    I called her the other night and BEGGED her to open another one soon! HA! She is's all about $$$ and "timing." I've always told her I would do a "Bookstore" and with the Tea Room if we could find a little house/cottage type situation.

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hello Stephanie and Happy New Year!

    I read the whole Chicken Soup for the Tea Lover's Soul just before Christmas on a cold Winter evening in Ohio. It was very soul satisfying and sentimental and just the thing for a good read when the blustery winds of December were rattling the windows and the frost was forming on the window panes. I had borrowed it from the library but will be making it part of my Tea Book Collection.

    The shop sounds lovely and I know when you give your presentation it will be standing room only.

    Think of you often and check in on the blog to see how you are doing.
    The preperations for opening the Tea Room have kept me extremely busy but I look forward to catching up with you by phone or e-mail sometime in the near future.
    I have very fond memories of our walk around London last Spring when all the daffodils were in bloom.

    Hugs to you, Stephanie,

    Your Tea In London Friend,

    Mary Jane

  3. that sounds so nicw steph! wish i lived closer, i would be there/

  4. Anonymous4:28 AM

    I wish I could be there for your presentation! Thank you for mentioning the Chicken Soup book. I was not familiar with that one and I will now add it to my book wishlist!

  5. shoot..I wish I lived will just have to give me the lessons over our tea in the middle of this month when I see you!!


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