Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Traffic Calming

I'm doing a happy dance because the neighborhood into which I'll be moving (once we get our house built) has just passed a traffic calming agreement with the city. This means that the neighborhood is focused on being walkable and is taking steps to make it less friendly to cars. I'm so happy!

I am sooooo NOT a car person. I have one, which I drive as little as possible. I find that walking is a much more pleasant and healthy way of getting done what I need to do. I've made the choice to live in a spot that is walkable to the things I enjoy. This gives me a great sense of contentment. My lifestyle is in alignment with my value set here.

Our new neighborhood has chosen to focus on making itself neighborly - walkable and inviting. Yes, cars are there, but most of the traffic should be residential (slow going, waving at neighbors) rather than the mad dashes currently occurring. Our street is used as a thoroughfare from the edge of town to a main corridor. It was never designed to be used that way, and so the city will work with the neighborhood to discourage this use. They will put in lane-narrowing devices and roundabouts to slow the traffic and make it less appealing to those in a hurry.

This is a great example of people making a difference in their community. Of people reclaiming spaces for HUMANS instead of cars. I am so happy to live in a place where this is valued.


  1. Amen, Sister! Yay!! I am so with you on this one.

    Thank you for the green tea that arrived yesterday. I look forward to trying it. Yes, coconut is actually one of my favorite flavors.

  2. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I so agree with you! It will be great living in a neighborhood like that!

  3. I live in a walking friendly neighborhood that I also enjoy (except during really cold weather). It has been wonderful.

  4. "Traffic calming." What a LOVELY term! (And idea.) Best wishes as you enter this journey!

  5. that sounds great! i enjoy walking myself. so good for the body and the mind!

  6. Our whole town is walker friendly. Unfortunately, I don't walk enough. I've made a vow to do more this year though. We have beautifully landscaped walk paths so there really is no excuse.

  7. I don't walk as much as I used to. Our neighborhood is full of walkers. I wish America was set up better for walking instead of driving but I suppose it is because we are so SPREAD out.
    Here is a tea article (regarding what did Brit's drink before Tea became the "national" drink)I found today and thought you might like to look at....I will post the link to it.
    Have a good day!


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