Thursday, March 13, 2008

March Tea - Weight Watchers Menu

In the March Tea (photos here), I worked with my Mom to make the menu as Weight-Watcher-friendly as possible. My Mom used her big Weight Watcher points book to help me decipher this. It was fun - and sometimes very challenging! For example, to figure out the points for the avocado-tomato-nut thins, we had to translate from a serving of 16 crackers to two. We were cautious in our points assignment and we erred on the side of a bit extra, when in doubt. Here goes....and if you have any insights on the points assignment, let me know! (PS - Some of these are repeats from the February tea.)

Total menu = 11 points
This isn't too bad for a fancy meal. One just takes it easy with a light dinner.

Savories = 7 points
  • Avocado-tomato-Blue Diamond nut thins. (Small chunk of avocado and half a grape tomato on nut thin cracker) - 2 crackers, etc. = 1.5 points
  • Cheese-apple slice-whole wheat baguette slice. (Thin slice of cheese and apple slice on half of a slice of baguette; bake until cheese is melted) - 2 servings = 2 points
  • Chicken salad (purchased)-whole wheat bread (One serving equals 1/4 of a regular sandwich) - 2 servings = 3.5 points

Scones = 2 points

  • Weight-watcher berry scones (recipe to come) - 2 points/scone
  • We served the scones warm and without toppings. They didn't seem to be lacking.

Desserts = 2 points

  • Chocolate-dipped strawberries and chocolate-dipped apricots - 1 of each = 1 point
  • Celebration cake (recipe to come; white cake with mandarin oranges; fat-free cool whip, sugar free jello topping with pineapple) = 1 small piece (1/16th of a 9x13 cake) = 1 point


  1. Great job on the menu! The food looks delicious and the points are very reasonable.

  2. Steph - this is outstanding :) As a WW leader I am going to forward this for people to give it a try....

  3. WOW that was some major detailing and calculating that you all went through for that tea party! That shows how much the people you served meant to you.
    I want to try those scones so I will be waiting on that recipe. HA!

  4. Strawberry season is coming here and I am happy to hear that a strawberry dipped in chocolate is 1 point. What kind of chocolate? Have you tired the cake where you add a diet soda to cake mix and bake. If you make cupcakes they are one or two points too. I'll be waiting for the scones recipe.

  5. Hi, She's Sew Pretty! I used Baker's semi-sweet chocolate. :-) Recipe coming today!


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