Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Spring Walk Through Campus

I feel very privileged to live within walking distance of Indiana University. In fact, in the book The Campus as a Work of Art, art critic Thomas Gaines called IU one of America's top five most beautiful campuses. Thanks to the DH (dear hubby), I know where to scout out all the early-blooming flowers on campus. Here are some recent photos of my walk through IU. (Also, let this be a premonition to you all - in the Spring and Summer months, I'm just as likely to blog about flowers as I am tea! :-)

On my way to campus, through a neighborhood of bungalows populated with students, sits a house with winter aconites. I asked the young guy on the porch if I could take this photo. I don't think he even realized the flowers were in bloom. ;-)

The campus landscaping staff has been busy sprucing up the grounds.

Naturalized lavender crocus

Close-up of the lavender crocus

Giant clock on campus. Though it looks old, it's relatively new. I love the look of it!

Creek that runs through campus


One of the reasons IU is so beautiful is the use of native limestone in most of its buildings. The limestone produces such ornate and marvelous sculptural - yet functional - edifices.

Close-up of carved limestone on a building


  1. I love spring flowers!

  2. I love this post! What a great way to show out-of-town friends and families how beautiful our town is. We are so fortunate to be living here.

  3. Hi Steph,

    Please stop by Gracious Hospitality. I'd love to have you join our tea blog-a-thon!


  4. This was fun! What a great campus - the buildings, the stream, the spring flowers - just great. Thanks for sharing.

  5. IU looks gorgeous!

  6. what were the other 4?


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