Thursday, April 03, 2008


This blog post is part of Gracious Hospitality's Blogathon.

I can't imagine living in a house with no tea things at all! So of course they have a place of honor in mine! Having said that, a house full of frilly tea-themed decorations just would not work for the DH (dear hubby) and me as a couple. Fortunately, there is much diversity among tea things! I like to highlight and share this diversity in my home.

One of the primary ways I display tea wares in my home is through a curio cabinet that my Mom gave me about a year ago. This sits in our living room. I love displaying a diversity of styles. Go here to see more pictures from my original blog post on the topic.

The DH and I have also come to a nice compromise of how I can indulge my frilly side without having it ooze into the rest of the house decor. I have a corner of our bedroom screened off. This is my "cozy tea corner." I enjoy sitting here to read, write in my journal and relax with a cup of tea.

In the bathroom, I have this fantastic orange tea kettle. The DH found it at a yard sale. It was missing a lid, and is a perfect plant holder! Orange is my favorite color.

In my office (an Asian theme with black and red), I have a number of tea things. I spend most of my day here, and I'm really pleased with the decor. I recently added this sweet little "tea-for-one" set (another DH find from the thrift store). I haven't used the set, but it blends in with the surroundings so well! I just love to look at it!


  1. It is neat to see parts of your home. I love your designated tea spot idea! :)

  2. I love your cozy tea corner! What a neat idea! And your curio cabinet is very nice. I've always like that shape of cabinet because it displays things so nicely. Thanks for sharing your 'tea world' and for participating in the Gracious Hospitality blog-a-thon.

    :) LaTeaDah

  3. I love your tea corner. You have lots of pretty tea decorations in your home!

  4. I love the little tea for one set, the pattern is so vibrant! Thank you for sharing your lovely home!

  5. Tea-for-one sets are my favorite . . . I love to take study breaks with a mini pot of tea!

    Your cabinet is beautiful! What kinds of tea spots do you have in mind for your new home?

  6. The screened-off area in your bedroom is such a wonderful idea!

  7. You've used some great ideas in your home decor. It's nice to find a kettle or teapot without a lid that can be used for a plant or fresh flower disply. They are easy to find at yard sales, or even at Marshall or Ross. How wonderful that your husband looks for these tea treasures to give to you.

  8. Love your cabinet and your pretty tea sets. That blue set that looks like pottery is gorgeous!

  9. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Your tea-decor is beautiful! My sister collects dragonfly things, she just put dragonfly border up in her bathroom today.

  10. I can't think of anything much more wonderful than a mid-afternoon tea right in the comforts of your office. Hope that you'll give that gift from your hubby a whirl!

  11. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I've immediately thought of you when I read about these mail art calls: orange and tea.
    Kris 2009-01-12


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