Monday, April 28, 2008

A Double-Decker Tea Weekend

I was a busy bee this weekend! On Saturday, I hosted my 12th tea class called, "The Art and Etiquette of the British Afternoon Tea." I've hosted 5 of them since I've been back in the Midwest. The others were in NM. It's a joy to teach this class! It is such a pleasurable experience to see people eagerly learning about tea and all its charms. Talking about tea is definitely a passion for me, and I feel so blessed that there are people out there willing to listen!

Here is a snapshot from the class. Funky cutting b/c I promised not to inflict blog fame upon my students! ;-) As a side note, I like to use a glass teapot in the class, as it displays the beautiful colors of the teas.

On Sunday, I helped Sweetcakes with her annual tea extravaganza. She hosts a tea each year to say thank you to her friends and colleagues. All of the food is incredible and homemade, as are the party favors. This year, she made a special blend of "tub tea" as a party favor, along with samples of tea (Hurricane Herbal, Angel's Dream and Lavender Early Grey). Women work very hard not to miss the event!

She used an herbal theme this year, including special lavender tea fabric! The menu featured herbs prominently in her savories and lavender scones (incredible scones!). Homemade eclairs and madeleines were among the many desserts. As anyone who has hosted a tea for 20 knows, it requires much labor. I call it an endurance sport! I helped for several hours and Sweetcakes had been at it for days! But it is a labor of love and I am so grateful to share in the afternoon!


  1. What a fun weekend you had. You look very professional pouring your tea. Thanks for sharing! Hope to hear more about the herbal themed tea if/when you have time!

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Hey - I like that photo of you!

  3. Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun, Steph! I love talking about tea, too.
    I love your glass teapot. I've got one on my wishlist. :-)

  4. Anonymous3:55 PM

    You look so elegant! Wish I could have heard your talk. I am sure it was interesting!

  5. Sounds like a great weekend. How fun to teach classes about tea. I liked your picture - you look quite elegant. Your friend's annual tea party sounds fabulous. I have always wanted to try lavender scones. Does she share her recipes and what is her source for culinary lavender.

  6. Oh, you look just lovely pouring that tea -- a very good ambassador for us tea lovers!

  7. What a fun but busy weekend! You look lovely and very gracious in the photo!

  8. Lavendar scones. Those sound so delicious! Do you know if she is willing to share her recipe?

  9. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Yes, you sure had a tea packed weekend. Speaking of tea parties and party favors, here are some one of our fans gave out at a Bridal Shower Tea Party you might enjoy seeing:

    Julie for Bigelow Tea


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