Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Favorite Tea Rooms

This week's blogathon topic (thanks, Gracious Hospitality!) is to write about a favorite tea room. Well, I have two today that I'd like to discuss.

First, let me extend my heartfelt congratulations to my friend MJ who is having her grand opening this weekend for a new tea room in Massillon, Ohio. It's called the Amherst Rose and I wish I could be there with her for the celebration! I met her on the Tea in London trip in March, 2007 and have enjoyed hearing of the progress of her tea room since then. I wish MJ and her husband much wonderful success and know their tea room will certainly be a favorite when I get the chance to visit!

Second, picking a favorite tea room is no easy challenge. Each one that I've been to has a uniqueness to it and has something that I find endearing. However, if I were forced to pick, I would say that the
St. James Tea Room in Albuquerque, NM is my all-time favorite.

Part of the reason for this favorite is the association I have with friends and good times at the St. James, but an equally important part is the tea room itself. Mary Alice, the proprietress, and her staff go above and beyond to make the tea experience a delight. The decor is luxurious, but not partial to the feminine. Men and women feel equally welcome here, I believe. The layout of tables allows for many small nooks and private cubbies throughout.

The food is exquisite! Here is the May menu. Not only does the St. James serve wonderful tea sandwiches, but the chef also prepares other gourmet savories. The cream scones are the best I've ever had, and the desserts are creative and delicious. The staff have been trained well and are friendly and knowledgeable about both the teas and the food.

And I shouldn't leave out the treasures! When entering the St. James tea room, you are welcomed and may be tempted by many interesting treasures in the gift shop. I was often tempted to purchase an item or two.

(St. James Logo, from the website)

If you find yourself in Albuquerque, the St. James tea room is a must-see! For me, it is a reason unto itself to return, but of course I have the added benefit of friends there, too!


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    If I ever get a chance to take my wife out west, I'll definitely have to make a point to take her to the St. James Tea Room!

  2. I have a SIL in Albuquerque. I will check out this tea room on our next visit!

  3. I have friends in Albuquerque, so if I ever get to visit, I will have to go here!

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    It sounds so nice. I clicked the link and the food looks delicious. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Oh my goodness all these tea venue posts make me want to travel and experience more...
    Tea in London trip, how divine!

  6. Hi Steph,
    I went to the links for the tea room and it looks wonderful! Iloved the picture of the phyllo pockets with the red heart. Very darling!Hey, I have that same china pattern but then I've come to the conclusion that everyone else does too. Oh well, it's still pretty. How nice that you have friends there to stay with.
    Another great post! Thanks!

  7. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Wow - sounds like a great place, and that's quite a tempting menu!

  8. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Congrats to your friend on the opening of her tea room, I wish her much success! The St. James sounds delightful, thank you for sharing your experience there.

  9. wishing your friend much success!

  10. St. James tea room sounds wonderful! How I wish I could travel to all the tea rooms listed in the blog-a-thon. . .what fun that would be. Best of luck to your friends as they start their new tea room as well. I believe I've heard it 'talked about' with anticipation on a tea forum I belong to.

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. I checked their website and really found it a wonderful place. Wish I were nearer.

  12. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Hi Steph! All the wonderful places to visit...perhaps one day I will get to the St. James tea room, it sounds wonderful :)

  13. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Dearest Stephanie,

    Thank you for including The Amherst Rose as a "Favorite Tea Room". How sweet and generous of you to mention our celebration and send your congratulatiions. Our private opening on May 18th was a chance to thank family and friends for their support. We will be opening our doors and hearts to other tea lovers sometime in June. I will let you know when I have a definite date and hope that you and and your wonderful DH will be able to make a sojurn to Massillon. We live only about one mile from the beautiful Towpath Trail and I know how you love to bicycle! Perhaps that will entice to to make a vist to Massillon.
    We would love for you to come!

    Many thanks and much appreciation for your kind congratulations and also to your readers for their good wishes.

    Mary Jane


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