Tuesday, May 27, 2008

History of Tea in an Orange Poppy (repeat)

My poppies are blooming, and they mesmerize me with their color! I love the intense orange and the royal purple combination. Below are some photos I snapped this morning.

I'd also like to point you to a post I wrote last May, about how tea was connected to the Opium Wars. One can tell much of the history of the world through tea! This is one small example.


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Your poppies are beautiful! It has been a logn time since I grew them..hmm..naybe i need to go and get some seeds. :)

  2. The poppies are beautiful - what gorgeous color. Whenever I see them I think of the poem "In Flanders Field" and also of the velvet poppy lapel pins that were sold to raise funds for veterans.

  3. I love your poppies. My Grandmother used to raise them so I am sentimental about them.

    I wrote a whole "Poppy" article (on my site) and included the poem "In Flanders Field" last year for Veterans Day....explaining the paper poppies story and such.

    On another note..... did you get my e-mail?? Not sure so I am checking...just when you get a moment send me your home address again if you will.

  4. oh, poppies are my favorite! yours are beautiful. i have planted them a few times and never have any luck. I have one plant that is looking pretty good, so maybe it will give me a flower!

  5. Thanks for the poppy pictures. They are so ORANGE. The poppies in our yard are a deep dark red... and they just take my breath away.

  6. Your orange poppies are gorgeous!


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