Friday, May 30, 2008

It Don't Mean a Thing...

If it ain't got that swing!

The DH and I love to swing dance! These photos are from a recent "fancy dance" where we were encouraged to dress in period clothes. My dress is new, but in 1940s style.


  1. Your DH cooks AND swing dances? You've definitely got a keeper there. Love that you both are obviously having a great time together. Wonderful!

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    What great photos of you two! Agreed, your DH is a keeper. :D

  3. oh, i just love that dress! very pretty Woman!

  4. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Hi Stephanie!

    You look like you are having such fun! Isn't dancing the best way to excercise AND have fun with your honey? I don't know if I mentioned this when we were in London, but I met my sweetie when I asked him to dance and we have been having great fun dancing through life for over 20 years now.
    That is the perfect dancing dress. I have a polka dot one as well, black and white and shoes to match.

    You both look marvelous1

    Mary Jane

  5. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Looks like great fun!

  6. Your dress is GREAT....I love it. Man, your husband does all these cool things....AND Tea Parties on top of it.
    And he's a Masseuse? IS that the proper term?
    Humm....have you all considered moving to Baton Rouge? my neighborhood...there's a house for sale just a few up from mine. HA!
    Keep having fun together....

  7. Anonymous9:45 PM

    You both look GREAT - looks like so much fun!

  8. That looks like so much fun. My hubby and I took ballroom dance lessons at a local church a few months ago. I think the fox trot was more our speed. The music is great for swing dancing too, isn't it?

  9. Oooh, la la! I love the dress and the shoes... and the FUN!


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