Friday, May 16, 2008

May Tea: For Two, from Me to You

I love my DH (dear hubby). There are moments in life when I just look at him with adoration, and today was one of those days. Here's why: I had planned a "Tea for Two" as my May tea party. My friend, Sweetcakes, has had a whirlwind month and I wanted to give her a few moments of rest and relaxation. Also, she had gifted me with some lovely Old Country Roses pieces and I was saving them to use with her. So, we planned a lunch appointment for tea. Then, things at work exploded this week and I became very busy. The DH announced to me recently, "I'm going to do your tea party food. It's my Mother's Day present to you (and my life will be better because you won't be stressed out.)"

Well, he did a fantastic job. He planned and prepared three courses and paired the teas. He's just a sweetheart and I'm grateful. I'm also grateful to Sweetcakes for sharing a part of her day with me!

Here are some photos...

Old Country Roses china - one of my favorite china patterns!
I love the bold colors and gold rimming. Also, columbine from the garden.

Iris from the garden

Our first tea was one I brought back from London last year

The DH explaining the menu and our first tea

First course: fresh cherry scones
(Remember, the DH put the menu together and did all the cooking! Tho that's not so unusual at my house.)
These scones were very good - we ate them bare b/c the DH told us, "anything else would ruin the scone." I think he was right!

Second course: Garlic scallops in puff pastry and tomatoes with vinaigrette and oregano
Served with a white elderflower tea

Final course, with a flair for the French - salad, fruit and cheese
Served with a fresh peppermint tisane from our garden


  1. Wow, all my hubby knows how to make is eggs (and he only recently learned to do that). he has other skills... just not cooking.

    You are one fortunate lady. :)

  2. Wow! What a guy! He is a keeper.

  3. How absolutely charming! He's a keeper!

  4. What a lovely lunch! Thank you Tom! (and Steph) I was very impressed by how thoughtfully everything was prepared. The food was delicious - my absolute favorite course was....the salad! It was a pleasure sharing my afternoon with you. Many, many thanks!

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Wow! What a special husband! Your tea sounds lovely.

  6. What a lovely and thoughtful Mother's Day gift. You're a lucky gal! :)

  7. oh, that menu looks divine. such a sweet DH!

  8. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I don't know what looks more delicious: the food or the photography! Just lovely, and well done to your DH! :-)

  9. Your husband did a super job preparing your tea party. The Old Country Roses china is lovely and the food looks delicous. Thanks for sharing this special Mothers Day gift with your readers.

  10. Everything looks so yummy, what a fabulous job! You are one lucky gal!

  11. How sweet!!! It looks delicious. :)


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