Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Afternoon Pleasures

"Among Life's precious jewels,
Genuine and rare,
The one that we call friendship
Has worth beyond compare."
~ author unknown

I recently had the joy of sharing afternoon tea in the home of a new friend. I am so blessed by the friends I have, new friends and old friends - near friends and friends far away!

Here are some of the tea-time treats we shared. What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon! That old adage is true - time flies when you're having fun!

Spanish iris and peonies

The table setting
We used china from A's grandmother
I just loved the little glass butter and jam dishes!

We started with strawberry soup
I could have eaten a gallon of this!

We enjoyed mini quiches, cucumber with dill sandwiches and egg salad and watercress sandwiches

We also enjoyed scones with homemade strawberry jam and lemon curd, and
zucchini-pineapple cake

One of the teas - it's a tea blend that traces its roots to Russia
Very lovely!

Thank you! I felt so pampered!


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    It was MY pleasure! :)

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    ...and my pleasure to enjoy the left-overs!

  3. Anonymous3:48 PM

    How lucky you are to have these friends who also love tea!

  4. What a lovely tea you shared with your new friend. The food looked delicious. I would like to try strawberry soup some day.

  5. Anonymous3:22 AM


  6. Looks like you definitely had a great - and tasty - time! And what an interesting new tea blend. Must check this out!

  7. oh my, I always get really hungry ehrn I visit your blog. I love lemon curd!

  8. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Our heat index tomorrow is supposed to be 105 degrees ... that strawberry soup is looking mighty delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Anonymous8:03 AM

    is there a recipe for the strawberry soup?

  10. Everything looks delicious and very professionally done!

  11. I'd also love to have the recipe for the strawberry soup if you're OK with sharing it. It looks delicious, and would be perfect for when strawberries come into season at my local farm. :)


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