Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fabric Dreams

I've recently had a windfall of gorgeous fabric! The first comes all the way, hand-delivered, from Mauritania, Africa. It's a wonderful batik. My friend who brought the fabric offered several choices, and it was a very hard decision!

The second fabric came from a Hancock Fabrics in Denver. It was the last of a bolt, and my good tea-loving friend snatched it up for me! Look at these gorgeous teacups!

Now comes the hard part - what should I make? I'm sure at least one skirt will be on the plan. Both of these fabrics are so lovely, I have a hard time cutting into them! Whatever I make, I will do a trial run on some less special fabric! Ideas for projects welcome!


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Wonderful fabrics! I can't wait to see what you create with them.

  2. It is always a special feeling to have a piece of cloth ready to be turned into something wonderful. I know you'll come up with the perfect use and I can't wait.

  3. They are both great fabrics. I think a skirt would be wonderful in the colorful batik. I would want to sew a tea cozy with the lovely blue and white cup and saucer print. It would really set off my Blue Willow china. You are blessed to have such thoughtful friends.

  4. I can just see you in a skirt made from the batik. I have been looking for just the right teacup or teapot fabric to make an apron. Your fabric would be perfect for that. I can't wait to see what you make from both fabrics! Be sure to report back to us.

  5. What beautiful fabric - the batik is really striking.

    (PS. I have just discovered your lovely blog by tracing a pay-it-forward backwards)

  6. I love-love-love that African batik! And the teacup fabric is great as well. Can't wait to read what you end up making!

  7. Sitting here in major envy of the African fabric . . . the kind of pattern you could build a room around, decorating wise. Happy for you that your friend sent it!

    Love the teacups too.

  8. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Very pretty! Did you ever finish the dress you started at my house? I haven't had a chance to work on the bag anymore...maybe I'll get back to it this weekend.

  9. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Love the teacup fabric - blue and white is always a lovely color combination. I like Linda's idea about using it to make an apron...

  10. I am like you, it would be hard to cut into both fabrics. They are both great. For sure the skirt is calling from the batik.

  11. Very jealous of the tea fabric -- it's my favorite color combination.

  12. U should make a skater dress!!

  13. A skater dress!! U should totally make a skater dress out of that teacup fabric


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