Monday, July 07, 2008

Pies: His and Hers

Tis the season for fresh berry pies!

The fruit
His: Gooseberries from the Farmer's Market
Hers: Blueberries that I picked


The crust
His: A DH original recipe (tho never the same and not written down). The crust includes whole wheat, oatmeal, sunflower seeds and olive oil. It's kind of like granola and is wonderful!

Hers: I tried this vanilla wafer - almond recipe. The crust is very yummy, but also very sweet. I don't eat as much sugar as I used to, and I can really notice when things are super-sweet. On one hand, I loved this crust. On the other, it bordered on too sweet for me.

The pie
His: Made in a spring form pan. No recipe to share. He quickly glanced at a pie recipe from a Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. The pie turned out great! Lovely color, lovely texture, not too tangy and not too sweet. Just right. More, please!

Hers: I followed this recipe (thanks, BloomingtonGirl!). Oh my - this is the best blueberry pie filling I've ever had! You cook one cup of berries and have three cups uncooked. This filling is just bursting with fresh blueberry goodness. I will definitely use this recipe again! Unfortunately, I didn't find that this filling worked well with the vanilla wafer crust. The crust wanted to crumble when it came out of the pie pan, and then the filling would get messed up. Bottom line: It tasted GREAT, but next time I will use a traditional crust.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Mmmm...they both look delicious!

  2. So glad you tried that recipe. It is one of my favorites. I use a regular pie crust. You can bake the crust first thing in the AM and then throw together the filling later.

  3. The pies look AWESOME....especially the Blueberry one. :-)
    My Grandmother in Missouri ALWAYS made "Gooseberry pies"...whew!
    Those things can be SO TART if you don't do the sugar just right. HA!

    I saw that somewhere in our state some city was having a Blueberry festival which shocked me....I guess they still have some growing here somewhere.
    I thought the season was over by several weeks but I guess not.

    What I want to know is how you make all this wonderful food...and drink all that great tea...and STAY so fit and trim?????
    Please pass on your secret. HA! It's all that dancing you and your husband do isn't it? HA! HA!
    See ya...Joyce

  4. Thanks, Joyce! Well, it looks like we make them often, but we usually share with others. And, we walk most places (instead of driving). That helps!

  5. I'm enjoying. Thanks for sharing.

    I've been reading The Ultimate Tea Diet. Tea drinking helps burn fat. Literally.

    Also, Steph, I got a teapot! I've started to steep tea multiple times a day. I have been making tea cubes in the freezer and then pouring steeped tea over tea cubes for a concentrated burst of iced tea. My sweetie and I have been enjoying it.

    I'm very into green teas, so that's what I've been enjoying this week.

  6. Crescent - congrats on the tea pot! Green tea makes such a refreshing iced beverage! And the steeping process can become meditative, if we allow it.

  7. Your pies look delicious!

    I wasn't able to freeze any of my berries. After I finished making all my blueberry goodies, I only had one quart left. Makes me want to go again and pick some more.

  8. I definitely agree about the meditative qualities of the steeping. Absolutely. It's trance inducing.

  9. Wow, fantastic! Glad you're enjoying your fresh local produce. Perhaps next time you can sip a lightly-sweetened matcha latte with your pie!


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