Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pretty Food

Who needs ice cream when garden produce is this pretty?


  1. Beautiful! I was inspired by my lunch at Google to make a raw beet-cabbage puree with my farm share veggies. Added some OJ, sea salt, a dab of hot sauce, and a bit of olive oil. Yum! I wish more employers treated their employees so well!

  2. Beautiful indeed. I love beets but I've never seen ones with concentric circles like that.

  3. beautiful! i love roasted beets with onions, goat cheese and toasted wallnuts!

  4. What a coincidence . . . I just purchased Terra Chips today that include some striped beet chips. I had never seen such things before.

    The produce is indeed beautiful, but I do still need ice cream!

  5. Oops . . . that last comment was mine, not Michelle's. We're using the same computer!

  6. Here's the truth: apparently, I need ice cream, too! I had a big bowl last night! ;-)

  7. Um, yeah, I need ice cream! Haha! Still beautiful, though. :)


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