Saturday, August 30, 2008

August Tea II: On the Front Porch

Earlier this week, I prepared a simple lunch for a friend and me. We enjoyed it on the front porch. The weather has been so nice, and the tomatoes and basil from my garden are so good, that I made use of all of nature's bounty.

We used this eggshell nautilus china that I dug out of my hope chest. It came from my paternal grandmother's yard sale finds, many many years ago. Each time I look at these dishes, they mean more to me.

For the first course, we had goat's cheese and toasted pita, olives and dried apricots.

Then we enjoyed tomatoes and basil on mozzarella, with cornmeal-rosemary scones. (These were very yummy! I will share the recipe soon.)

For dessert, we had matcha shortbread cookies and local cantaloupe with ginger-peppermint green tea from Anaba.

It was a great way to spend an unhurried hour with a friend! I kept the menu simple - things that required no cooking or that could be prepared in advance. This made the actual tea luncheon very easy, so that I could focus on enjoying the time with my friend.


  1. Hey there,
    You have a really cool blog! Great site!

  2. Simple teas are perfect. Everything looked lovely.

  3. What a lovely menu and tea party, Steph. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friend. Sharing with friends is one of life's many pleasures. Love your new header, BTW!

  4. Everything was wonderful! I was only expecting to come for tea. You went to way too much trouble, but I'm glad you did. It was a lovely afternoon -- the highlight of my week.

  5. Anonymous3:40 PM

    That china and the porch setting are so pretty!


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