Sunday, August 03, 2008

Portland Classical Chinese Garden

Last weekend, I had a few hours before boarding a plane and spent the free time at the Portland Classical Chinese Garden. I am so grateful that I did! I would recommend this site as a must-see the next time you are in Portland. (Admittedly, I am a garden fan and could have spent all day in this relatively small garden, looking at its infinite detail.)

One major charm of the Portland Classical Chinese Garden is the tea which I will dedicate a separate blog post. In the mean time, here are some images of the garden itself.

I learned of two ideas that I love! #1 - A classical Chinese garden will have elements in it to slow you down. Examples include windy paths and elevated bridges. I LOVE that idea of letting a garden teach us how to slow down. #2 - Many things in Chinese have two names - one functional and one poetic. That's so cool!

A super surprise was to stumble across (almost literally, actually) a tea plant! Don't tell, but I pinched off a leaf and placed it into my journal. Isn't that a lovely varietal name, Blushing Maiden!

Stay tuned for more about the tea room at the Portland Classical Chinese Garden.


  1. Oh, I am so glad you made it to the Chinese Gardens. They are beautiful and you are reminding me that I should go more often.

    Thanks also for visiting me at Delights of the Heart.

  2. What a beautiful place - so sorry it is so far away! Looking forward to your post about the Tea House.

  3. Oh my, this *is* a great place, and I can't wait to read about the Tea House! And I also love the idea of garden features designed to slow you down. Think I'll incorporate that into the plans for my own dream garden!

  4. What a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing, Steph!

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Hi Steph! What a magical place. I love to be able to experience it through your blog.

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I didn't know that about Chinese gardens, that they are designed to slow one down. How beautiful. Can't wait for the Tea House pictures!

  7. The garden looks so peaceful. I will definitely visit it if I am ever in Portland with some free time!


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