Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Little Flower That Could

"I think I can, I think I can"

This lovely blossom surprised me yesterday. The day lilly had been blooming its heart out, and I was certain we'd seen all of its blossoms a few weeks ago. Imagine my surprise when I looked out the window to be greeted by this gorgeous orange flower yesterday morning. I was reminded not to underestimate things - myself, others and, most importantly, the life force around us.

One of my favorite childhood stories was The Little Engine That Could. I liked it (and still do) because it was the little engine that accomplished the difficult task. As a child, I was thrilled by this idea. As an adult, I still am. To find my own strength and to never underestimate myself. And to extend that belief to others. Truly, a lesson for life.


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    This is a great post!

  2. What a beautiful surprise. The orange of the lily looks great against the purples in your teacup. I remember when you wrote about getting that teacup as a gift. It's so cute!
    That story was always one of my favorite childhood stories!

  3. The flower is lovely and you do have an eye for color. The cup really sets it off.

  4. beautiful. love your story about the flower!
    I made your sauce for my son's birthday dinner! yummy!

  5. i loved the little engine that could too. i need a refresher though.
    dig the link for the vintage cookbooks too. tfs.



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