Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Your Tea with Apple Pie

Apple pie and tea - a perfect pairing if there ever were one! I made an apple pie today and I needed - just really needed - a China black tea with it. Fortunately, I have a tin of Queen Catherine tea that fits the bill. What tea would you choose to go with a slice of apple pie?

Regarding that apple pie, let me brag - it was heavenly! I took a break from work this afternoon and had a slice of pie and a cup of tea on the front porch. It was a moment of perfection!

I used apples from a tree in our back yard. They are beautifully organic - with holes and bruises and bumps. As I cut them up, I left on a little skin (see below). I like the pink color the cooked apples take on from a bit of skin left on. (Warning: the texture holds a little firmer with the skin on. Some people may not like this.)

Here's the finished product. I'm so proud of my pie! I'm not an experienced pie maker; my Mom takes that role. But I see now that I may be stepping up to the plate. The pie plate, that is...for a second slice!


  1. It looks so perfectly delectable that I can almost smell the aroma!

  2. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Beautiful, Stephanie! I bet you enjoyed making the pie as much as eating it. I really know nothing about food and tea pairing, but I think I would go with a Darjeeling with apple pie. What do you think? (China black's are my favorite tea, by the way.)

  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Pie is the best! I love to make it, love to eat it.... Chris debated in junior high, and his favorite question was: which is better pie or cake? Pie, no question.

    Your photos and presentation are always sublime.


  4. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Stephanie, your pie is beautiful! I think a full-bodied Assam would stand up to the sweetness and richness of apple pie wonderfully, or perhaps the Petrushka tea with its bold China/Ceylon blend and hints of clove would make a good pairing.

  5. Thank you, all, for your comments! I think a Darjeeling would be very nice.

    Amanda - I was also considering the Petrushka, but I'm out (b/c I drank it so fast!)

  6. And sweetcakes - I'm laughing...since you don't like pie!

  7. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Dang! I'd ask you to marry me if I didn't know you were already taken. Lovely looking pie.

    Assam, Darjeeling, Ceylon, maybe a Yunnan...all would be delicious with apple pie!

  8. oh, it looks sp yummy! i love pie and treats with tea. my husband got me into having treats with tea!

  9. There's only one answer from me: Lipton's black tea!! The pie is gorgeous, btw. We are serving organic, fruit-juice sweetened pie for B.'s birthday party on Saturday. The theme is apples. :)

  10. I'd love to have a slice of your apple pie!


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