Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Spiderweb Cake

If you're looking for a spooky and fun Halloween dessert, give this spiderweb cake a try! It's easy! The recipe inspiration came from the current edition of Country Living magazine.
  • Bake a chocolate cake, in two round pans (I used 8-inch).
  • Let the cakes cool. Once they've cooled from the oven, place them in the fridge to get really cold. (Wrapped up so they don't dry out.)
  • When the cakes are cold, trim off the domes so that the cakes stack nicely.
  • Prepare a chocolate ganache (a blend of chopped chocolate and cream). Let the ganache cool just a tad before use.
  • Spread some ganache between the layers, as a glue.
  • Then pour the ganache over the cake. As you can see in the image below, I allowed mine to pool on the sides (I shaped this after the fact). I also smoothed the top with a knife.
  • Let the ganache cool for a bit, then melt white chocolate.
  • Using a pastry bag with a small tip, pipe the white chocolate in a spiral on the top of the cake.
  • Drag a toothpick from center to edge, around the cake, in about 1" intervals. This makes the web, tho for me the white didn't show enough. To remedy that, I piped in more white chocolate along the trenches. I also dribbled some white choc down the side and into the puddles.
  • Garnish with a fake spider (which I didn't have) and enjoy! I took this cake to a party last weekend, and it was popular.


  1. Very clever! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Your cake made quite a presentation and it was delicious, too! Glad you could join us. I beat Jason at bocce last night...finally! ;)

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    This looks delicious! I love chocolate cake. Wish I could have a slice at work this afternoon with my 3:00 cuppa....

  4. i have to make this! my kids see one like this in the grocery store and go banana's! yummy with tea, I bet!

  5. What a lovely job you did at decorating it. I bet it was yummy!

  6. love the cake, my daughter birthday is just before halloween and we always have a pumpkin cake, This is too cool. Thank you.

  7. I saw this cake, too. I think I'm going to make it and bring it to school to share with my students on Halloween!

  8. Your cake looks great. What a nice Halloween treat.

  9. I just sat down after making a two layered Lemon and Raspberry pie and thought couldn't look at another sweet piece of food but your cake looks fantastic. I love chocolate! Great job.

  10. Really cool looking cake!


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