Friday, November 21, 2008

Blues Dancing

I am forfeiting my self portrait today. I just didn't get around to it, as I have to be away from home most of the day. But I will make it up soon. In the mean time, the DH and I will be at a Blues Dancing workshop tomorrow. This form of dance may unfamiliar to many of you, so I wanted to take a moment to explain it.
"Like Swing dance, Blues dance originated and evolved from African rhythms and movements. However, Blues dancing was never widely practiced as a "social" or performance dance in the United States outside of the Black communities; so it developed and thrived in smoky juke joints and at Blues house parties and rent parties, giving it a more intimate feel." Read more here.

Blues dancing has a forbidden edge to it - it's sensual and evocative. It came from an era of repression - racial, social, and all kinds of other things. Even under the awful conditions of repression, thankfully the human spirit finds very inventive ways to express itself.

Here's a video clip from our instructor (the guy). Keep in mind, these folks are Pros! I can't even identify the "basic" step in this. The DH and I will NOT be looking like that after one day. So here's to some great music and loose hips! Warning: Chances are, this will get your blood pumping.


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Have you tried watching the video without the sound? It's really quite beautiful.

  2. No, but that's a good idea!

  3. Wow! You go girl! Can't wait to see the video you and DH make after attending the class. Steamy!

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Wow - What amazing dancing! I'm not sure my hips could move like that.

  5. Wow! Very cool! I could never do that.

    Maybe you should put a PG13 rating on this post. he,he

  6. Very fun and seductive! Enjoy!

  7. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Love it! Carl and I will have to try that. Will be looking forward to your comments on the lesson. I think there is reference made to this dancing in the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" in the scene in the Juke Joint.

    Hope you and the DH have a great time with this!

    Mary Jane

  8. This video was great. Sure beats the tradtional slow dance that's for sure!

  9. How wonderful! I would love to take belly dancing! Yes at my age of 50! I been in thearpy, but I think trying to dance will help more! But the 92 degree pool is great. All the ladies look as the are swan dancing.


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