Friday, November 28, 2008

My Shadow

This is my "shadow," so to speak - a dress form, molded from my body, and made from duct tape. Some of you may remember the beginning of this adventure. Well, here's an update - the DH made a stand for me, so that it hangs at about my height. Today, we finished it out by getting it onto the stand and fully stuffed. What an alter-ego! I call her "seven"...of nine, for the Star Trek fans.


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    That's just an awesome photo!

  2. I love it! That is a great fun thing to do! I love to have a shadow!

  3. That is too much! I could use one of those for my personal double for sewing- great job!

  4. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Seven of Nine, what a great homage!

  5. SMART ideal.....ugh...I would HATE to see my "shadow" it might be a tad lumpier. HA~!..I best skip making one. HA!
    Loved your photo.

  6. Anonymous8:07 AM

    That is neat. And I will echo an earlier commenter when I say that is a great photo of you!

  7. I once made one with surgical tape that you wet and wrap on your body. When it gets hard it is cut off and becomes the mold for this foam filling. It is very weird to see your form standing next to you. What a fun project.

  8. Marilyn - this process was similar. And you're right - it is very strange!

  9. That's fantastic! You're amazing me left and right. :)


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