Friday, November 07, 2008

Narcissism Flipped (Self Portrait Series)

Me, at work
We sometimes use video conferencing; it's been an adjustment to get comfortable with that!

Narcissism Flipped is my attempt at irony for this Friday theme. For the next few Fridays, I'll be posting self portraits. You probably know the story of Narcissus, and I am flipping that story. I'm trying to become more comfortable with my own image, just letting it be what it is without judging it. Not flattering or criticizing myself - just truly seeing myself. In photography, we see ourselves as others see us - not as we see ourselves in the mirror (flipped). Finally, flipped is a nod to photography's history, where images used to appear flipped through the viewfinder.


  1. Very interesting. I came to decision after my 50th birthday that I loved myself just as I was and that how I looked to me wasn't as important as how I was.
    I'll look forward to more Friday thoughts

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Oh Stephanie, you are truly beautiful...inside and out!

  3. what a neat project!

  4. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Wow - that's cool that you do video conferencing!

  5. What a cool idea!

  6. Nice work picture! You look very professional and no one can tell that you're wearing your pajama pants with that pretty blouse. he,he

  7. I love that idea. Video conferencing is very off putting - especially since it records how we are - in motion! :-) Brave of you to face it head on - I tend to veer towards denial.

  8. I do hope you can see yourself as your friends see you, as the poster above said, beautiful inside and out.

  9. Thanks, all, for your encouragement! Sweetcakes, don't tell my secret!


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