Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sniffles Concoctions?

The season of sniffles is upon us. Do you have a home remedy (with tea or not) that soothes you? If so, please leave a comment and share your recipe with us!

I can remember my great-grandmother, a teetotaler, recommending a mix of honey, lemon and whiskey! What's your favorite cure?


  1. Quite honestly, it's a hot cup of Emergen-C. Not exactly tea.

  2. Air Bourne is my choice when I feel the sniffles coming on. In fact, I took one this morning.

  3. Miso soup! The miso is a "living" food (like yogurt) and the probiotics are good for fighting infection. Be sure not to boil it or you'll kill the good guys. :)

  4. I love a hot cup of peppermint tea with honey. It opens the nasal passages and seems to loosen the chest. I also just like hot tea with honey and lemon for sore throats.

  5. Thanks for dropping by my blog! No, I'm not a swing dancer. The swing dance blog is a Brazilian college friend's. She's an instructor down in Rio, so I try to keep up with what she's doing through her blog. I get glimpses!

    But we do have something else in common: I am a huge Over the Rhine fan. I think I own about 12 of their albums! If I'm putting on a cd, it will be OtR or Alison Krauss. Or Hem. Have you heard them?

  6. I just drink tea with honey. But I do use only soft Puffs with lotion. And I think the kind with Vicks might be nice.

  7. Thank you, all, for the great ideas!


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