Sunday, December 14, 2008

Etsy Dreamin'

Necklace (and photo) by poetsummer, found on Etsy

I blogged recently about how I was reducing my holiday consumption this year, and I'm sticking to it. But I do like to go window shopping now and then. Here are my favorite tea-themed Etsy finds. Enjoy!

Librarian tea print (would go so well with the Dewey Decimal mug!)


  1. Oh, I so want that necklace. Can I have it

  2. Anonymous9:31 PM

    What great finds! I *love* that Santa Tea Cozy!!!!

  3. Anonymous3:32 AM

    What terrific etsy finds! What terms do you search on when you search etsy?

  4. I'm glad you are enjoying these! I simply searched on "tea" to find these items.

  5. thanks for sharing! such a pretty necklace. we are cutting way abck this year too! it feels so good. i have never enjoyed the holidays this much.

  6. I'd love to get the librarian print for my mother as she actually is a librarian who loves tea. It is a bit late for Christmas now but I don't need a reason to give her a little gift.

  7. Anonymous11:28 AM

    what a lovely necklace!! I truly enjoy browsing (and sometimes buying) lovely handmade items from etsy!

    p.s. thanks for your kind words about my haiku teacups!

  8. I suspect I will be ordering that librarian tea print for myself . . .


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