Sunday, December 21, 2008

Roasted Beets

After two of my friends sang the praises of roasted beets, I decided to give them a try. Wow, they are delicious! I just washed them, lightly peeled them (leaving some skin on), chopped them into big pieces (which was kinda hard to do), and tossed them in olive oil, salt and pepper. Baked for about an hour. Yumm!

Do you have a special roasted beet recipe?

Happy Winter Solstice!


  1. Roasted beets are delicious! I was hoping to grow some, but I can't find any sprouts or seeds at my local nursery to put in the garden!

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Mmmm, my favorite! I toss them with olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper and roast at 450 degrees for around 30-40 minutes. I usually make them with a mixture of other vegetables and garlic. Then I mash the roasted garlic and mix the paste in with all of the vegetables before serving.

    Roasted beets are also good in salads, and Harvard beets are good for a change. I LOVE beets! ;)

    Happy Yule!

  3. I've never roasted them and will have to try that soon.
    They are a bit hard for me to peel I scrub them well and just lightly take of a thin layer.

    I normaly do mine in a pot on top of the stove with water and then add some vinegar. Love that vinegary flavor.
    Thanks for this new thought.
    IF I don't make it back here before Thursday....
    Happy Christmas to you and your husband!

  4. Anonymous5:54 AM

    We also love roasted beets! We often roast golden beats. Happy Holidays to you, Steph!

  5. "Do you have a special roasted beet recipe?"

    I do now! I've never roasted beets before, but I'm going to try this. It sounds delicious.

  6. I've sauteed beets in olive oil but never tried roasting them. I'll give it a try next time. Thanks for the suggestion

  7. I love beets, but I usually only enjoy them in restaurants.

    Did your hands stay beet red? That's one of my fears about preparing beets at home.

  8. MEP - My hands washed off pretty well. They did have a light pink tinge for about a day, tho.

  9. I'll have to try them roasted. My favorite beet recipe was my Grandmother's borcht. It was a close second to her homemade chicken noodle soup.

  10. That sounds fabulous, Steph. Happy holidays to you!

  11. I love beets also... and love them roasted. I find they take a bit longer than carrots and potatoes and other veggies I enjoy roasting... so I find it helps to sometimes put them in their own dish and start them earlier... or just toss the others in on top later.

    Beets juice fabulously and go particularly well with carrots and apples in the juicer. They flavor is intense and wonderful... stunning really. And the juice is a bright red. Really unparalleled. And you only need a littl bit of beet... it goes a long way.

  12. Yum, yum, yum --- I have no favorite recipe --- I make them just like you. Aren't they delicious?



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