Friday, December 05, 2008

Serendipity, Panettone, and Holiday Tea

Serendipity was the word that Katie entered into my giveaway contest, and so I had to choose her as my winner! I doubt that Katie knew, but Serendipity Teas is the name of my tea biz. (And that's a story for another day.) So when I saw her word, it made my heart glow. Congratulations Katie! I will ship the holiday cards out soon!

I was at TJ Maxx last night and I picked up this panettone box. I'd just read about these Italian holiday cakes, but have never had one. It's good! I had it for breakfast today. The texture reminds me of a sweet roll, tho the cake itself was very lightly sweet. I'm glad because that allowed the dried fruit to really shine. The cake was a little dry - I should have sprinkled with water and warmed. I had the panettone with a very nice cup of Harney & Son's Holiday Tea (black tea), blended with citrus, almond, clove and cinnamon.


  1. Ahhh... panettone... you have taken me back over 30 years when I spent my college senior year abroad. We traveled on a Eurailpass thru Europe over the Christmas break, ended up in Venice on a foggy Christmas Eve. Everyone was carrying around this unique shaped box - we were so influeced by the fact that everybody had a box, we bought one just to discover what it was! We celebrated Christmas Eve in a dingy youth hostel, munching on Panettone, deciding which train we were going to take next. Thanks for the memories!

  2. Rosemary - what a great story! I wish I had bought two!

  3. Steph, my mother in law used to bake a Yukranian Christmad bread very much like the Panettone. We would slice it and fry in a pan with butter the following day. Yum! I'm glad to hear that the Harney Christmas blend is good. I was thinking of ordering it. Thanks

  4. You know, I had never, ever seen this on the west coast, but when we moved to the east coast last year, I started seeing them everywhere, piled high in stores! Just today, I was walking by a stack of them wondering if they were any good. Thanks for the review! I think I'll give it a try.

  5. Oh, wow - the Yukranian bread also sounds wonderfu!. What lovely traditions.

  6. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Sounds delicious! I don't think I have ever tried Panettone, but now I will search it out. And the tea sounds lovely!

  7. Panettone is a wonderful Christmas bread. I buy it every year at BJ's and it is always fresh. I also enjoy that it is not too sweet and goes so well with a good cup of tea.

  8. I just saw a program on Food Network where they used this prepared cake beautifully for a yummy parfait. They broke the panettone into small pieces and layered in a pretty glass stemware with chocolate pudding and whipped cream. If I recall, they also drizzled a small amount of coffee on the cake before the next layer. Yummy, eh? I'll have to try it.

    I think the 'dryness' of panettone would be terrific with a perfect cup of tea. Although the parfait sounds yummy, the simple delight of tea and cake wins for me!



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