Monday, January 19, 2009

Never Say Never...

I'm sitting here, in an open forum with one of my company's execs, and I'm thinking, "Wow! My world didn't turn out like I imagined." What I mean by that is that I work for a very high-tech company, and I like it! When I was in grad school, I thought I would never go the high-tech route. In fact, I had plans to actively avoid it. ;-) Funny how things turn out. Here I am, and I like it!

I'm a service provider at this conference, so that means loooong days for me. But I'm grateful for the chance to hear the CEO explain how our company will come out from this down economy, and to think about the opportunities of this mess instead of just the doom.

Over and out, from Vegas.


  1. Have fun in Vegas! I actually like visiting there, which was a great surprise to me.

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    The wise person always looks for the silver lining! Enjoy your time in Vegas!

  3. I here ya. I was NEVER going to type and I was NEVER going to have a desk job. 25 years later I type and have a desk job. lol


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