Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm returned now from a 10-day work and pleasure trip. I'll share a few photos here from the work part, then dive into the fun part!

I delivered training and other tech support at a conference in Vegas. The best part of the trip was staying at the Palazzo hotel. Incredible! At the end of a very long day, I wanted to do nothing but go to the room and collapse on the bed! The room was quite a change for me. I don't have a TV at home, and in this hotel room, I had 3!! The Palazzo connects to the Venetian and is a new Vegas hotel.
photo from hotel

Here's a picture of me and my teammate, CW, as we were setting up. (Photos from cell phone, and thus the blur.) This was a funny moment because we moved four laptop/monitor systems this way. We wanted a better spot in the demo room, and we didn't want to disconnect the systems. It was really funny, but you probably had to be there.... Also notice the uniform. I had three of these shirts and I was so glad to NOT wear them after the conference was over!

On a break, CW and I wandered through the shops at the Venetian. The shops are inside, but the ceiling is painted to look like the outside. The shop facades are made to look like Venice. It's quite lovely, tho I had to break free a few times and get myself out in the real sunlight for a few minutes.

I managed to escape Vegas without gambling even a nickel. I'm just not the gambler type. It was a fun and productive event, despite the long hours. And I'm always grateful when I get to see my teammates, as we are a dispersed team.


  1. great blog.....gosh that brunette is very cute :) ha!!!! IT is so fun to work with you!!!!! so glad we are on the same team.

  2. Anonymous9:12 AM missed your chance for the millions. But probaby a good choice to keep the nickels!

  3. Wow, that hotel room looks very plush and fancy! Glad to hear that your trip went well, Steph.

  4. Welcome Home! Glad you had a good trip. I can't wait to hear about the fun part. I look forward to being in Vegas the first of May.

  5. oh, that sounds like fun. i have never been to vegas!


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