Thursday, February 19, 2009

Grandma's Pin

This pin (which is actually a cameo - it's hard to tell) is from a clip-on earring set that belonged to my grandmother. I loved this set, but probably wouldn't wear them as earrings. (They are heavy! How did women do that?) But I LOVE this as a pin! And I love having something of Grandma's with me!

Do you have jewelry from a family member that you love? Or something that you've re-purposed? I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Are you kidding? I have too much jewelery...most of it with sentimental value...just like you! about our gold heart rings with the diamond from Dad's wedding band? That is probably the most important piece of jewelery I own besides my wedding ring!

  2. Anonymous8:40 AM

    My son J.B. ~ who proposed to his girlfriend Erin on Valentine's Day ~ was fortunate enough to have been given the diamond ring that belonged to Erin's great-grandmother to use as Erin's engagement ring. The groom-to-be definitely lucked out on this!

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    For me Vintage Jewelry is a way of everyday life. I mix and match. I have never felt pressured to conform but rather have my own style - at least that is what people constantly tell me. I have always been attracted to "Old". I started collecting vintage jewelry about 20 years ago so have plenty and don't need more. Because I wear all the old jewelry I also loose it and break it so be careful with that cameo!

  4. Your "pin" is beautiful, and of course having it from your grandmother makes it even more priceless! It looks like an intaglio glass/cameo glass piece, and I think those are *quite* elegant! I have a pin that was my grandmother's and it is an ivory (or at least "ivory looking") carved rose with a silver stem and leaves. I treasure it!

  5. I don't have anything of value to anyone but to me. I gave my mother a strand of pearls years ago and took it back when she died. In her jewelry box was a small bakelite green scottie dog. It needs a new back to it, which I really need to fix.

  6. I have my granmother's china. We used to always have Thanksgiving with her when we were kids. Now I try to use at least one piece of the china set (or sometimes more) every Thanksgiving to include her memory (she passed away in 2006 at 97!).

  7. Wow - what great treasures you all (or your kids) have!

  8. Your pin/earing is just beautiful. I have a cameo pin that belonged to my husband's grandmother. I feel privilaged to have it. Like Denise's son, when my daughter Kristen got engaged this month her ring was designed using her fiance's grandmother's and mother's diamonds in her ring and he gave her a matching necklace made with diamonds from his grandmother and grandfather's rings. I thought that was pretty awsome and so did she.

  9. What a wonderful treasure! I like having part of my family (mom & dad in a ring I own and wear) with me too! I wonder what stories that cameo could tell? Do you think it was worn at some important event? Maybe an anniversary dinner, graduation or wedding?

    Very cool! I like how you wear it too. Your petite ears would survive better with a gem like a ruby or a sapphire....and definitely a diamond! :)

  10. Your pin is lovely. My special pieces are rings. One is the first ring that my Mom gave to my Dad (black diamond and gold initial style). One belonged to my grandmother (jade with diamonds). And the third is a ruby ring that I inherited from my favorite Aunt. I have always wanted to make a wearable piece from my Dad's ring. A brooch might be a good idea.


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