Friday, April 24, 2009

Tea with a Toddler

Tea with a Toddler
For my niece, 4/20/09

The clock chimes eleven. "Ding!"
You say in your chirp-chirp voice.
You spy the teacup. "Par-ty! Par-ty!"
It's a command, not a choice.

I sit at the knee-high table.
You serve me a cup and plate.
Mommy heads our way. "No!"
Your voice tests its weight.

That makes me smile,
Knowing this is just for you and me.
I dream of many more
As you loudly sip your "tea."

Then as fast as it began,
You rise and squirm and flee.
Into Mommy's arms,
With a smile and giggles from all three.


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Wow! I am almost in tears and smiling so big at the same time! What a great poem! I am going to keep it for Lola forever. This is going in her scrapbook! Thanks!
    Love ya,

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    The poem is so sweet. I enjoyed watching "Aunt Sis" and Lola bonding during your visit. She will always remember the special things that Aunt Sis does for her and have a special place in her heart for you.

  3. What a lovely poem and gift for your niece.

  4. This is so precious. She will always cherish her time with you. You and she both are so blessed. Very, very lovely poem.

  5. Love your words and pictures. Your niece is treasuring that cup of tea poured by a special auntie. How precious! Treasure those moments.

  6. Ahhh, very sweet sweet sweet! :)

  7. Sweet Kid! You are a great Auntie!

    xo Esme

  8. Adorable! Lola will bring you much joy as you will to her. My Aunt Ida, now 95, was one of the most special women in my life and in the lives of my daughters who are now 30 and 35.

  9. This is maybe one of my favorite posts ever on here! LOVE it! (Maybe it's the fellowship of tea-loving aunts or something.) And I love that this beautiful child COMMANDS a tea party, just for the two of you. My kind of little girl!

  10. What a wonderful post! The poem is a perfect tribute to your time spent with Lola. You are such a wonderful Auntie and love the top picture of Lola! Adorable!


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