Monday, April 06, 2009

To Market, To Market...

To buy a fat [bag of watercress]!

I look forward to the opening of the farmer's market each year, so I can have my annual watercress on baguette meal. Oh, it's heaven. I'm lucky that watercress grows in my area! (Note: It's important to find a clean source. It's so sad, but many of the natural waterways where watercress grows are polluted from agricultural runoff.)

Well, Saturday was the first market and it was sunny and warm and - once again, heavenly. The DH and I enjoyed some gardening and lunch in the back yard. Lambic and watercress sandwiches.


  1. Wow that sounds so good, light & refreshing. Good for you! Yummmmm

  2. Your market is open already? Lucky duck! Ours doesn't start until end of May. END OF MAY!! I mean, I guess we have to have some nice weather to grow stuff, but surely there are late winter crops they could start selling now. As soon as I can pull out a t-shirt (and I did yesterday), I'm ready for it!

  3. I've never heard of watercress open faced sandwiches. Sounds good. I need to find a good farmers market in my area.

  4. Hi there! Sorry it took me so long to respond to your comment! Ek! I guess I don't have the notification on...Oops! Anyhow...I am going to link you...hope you don't mind. Always great to network with other TEA FREAKS!

  5. I can't wait 'til our markets open for the year!

  6. Anonymous6:46 PM

    looks delicious!

  7. When I was in junior high we had an Italian neighbor that knew a source for watercress. I remember going out there with his family to pick it out of the stream. It grew wild. What a treat! Now I love it with egg salad sandwiches, yummmm!

  8. I want to reach into my computer and grab a hunk of that bread. I've never tried watercress, but I'll pay attention when the green market in my neighborhood opens in a month or so.


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