Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Spy: Green Tea (colors)

This week's color theme is Green Tea. Above, I'm steeping a green in my celadon gaiwan. Below, I'm making virgin mojitos. (I used this recipe, except I used agave nectar.)

Greens from the garden. The range of flavors is amazing!

I'm looking forward to seeing your greens and reading your comments!


  1. Belinda6:04 AM

    Oh,I do love green. My kitchen is Rye Grass Green. My husband just gave me a peridot ring for my 60th bd.I love sitting on my patio in spring and watching the various trees-oaks,cherry,serviceberry,hickory,maples put out their new hues of green.
    Wish I knew how to send pics.
    The I spy thread has been fun

  2. I was tempted to post all my Disney Tea Topiary things, but decided not to duplicate beauty all ready on the web! But I did think of you Steph while walking in the woods last week!


  3. Great photos. I have never tried a mojito, but it looks very refreshing. I'm trying not to envy your fresh garden greens (we don't garden). My next door neighbor's garden is coming along great and he shares. ;=)

    My green post is up, and already I've thought of a dozen things I should have included. Can't wait till next weeks explosion of pink.

  4. Teafan8:45 AM

    You take very nice photos! Very Martha Stewart-ish.

  5. I love your green. I am getting ready to paint my office sage green.

  6. love your photos. beautiful greens. that drink looks so yummy.

  7. Lovely! I made an iced Citron Green tea with pineapple mint leaves for Memorial Day. I wish I had taken a picture!

  8. Your sandwich looks delicious and I'll bet you made that bread too. I really enjoyed this week's color. I know Yellow is my favorite, but I think green is starting to become so.

  9. I planted my lettuce this past weekend and I cannot wait to use greens from my garden in salads and sandwiches..they always taste so much better!

  10. Are you vegan or lacto/lacto-ovo?? I totally LOVE Agave Nectar! Got your tea and am sampling the Coconut one now...WOW!!!! What an intense aroma!!! Thanks again!!!

  11. Your pictures are especially fine today -- if I had a food magazine, I'd pay you to use them! (I feel so left out because I didn't have any green things I felt were worthy to share!!!!)

  12. I'll have to try your virgin mojitos, my mint jumped the pot and is running wild. I love mojitos but I'm not drinking alcohol right now because I'm breastfeeding.

  13. yum! the mojitos look good! been tied up this week, what with grandkids out of school now, so just getting here steph! i posted a green tea post on my blog too!
    thanks for another round at this fun game! hugs :)


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