Sunday, May 03, 2009

National Bicycle Month

That's me, on my bike yesterday. I grinned so much I'm surprised I wasn't picking bugs from my teeth!

May is National Bicycle Month!

I love riding my bike! I get such a rush from the sense of freedom. It's much more freeing than being in a car. To me, a car is like a metal box that keeps me trapped inside. On the bike, I'm outside and in nature! I can actually SEE the beauty because I'm not rushing. I often stop for a closer look.

I am very happy to live in a community where there is cool stuff to do downtown, but within a short biking distance, I'm out on the roads less traveled. Here are some of the things I saw while riding yesterday.


Fields of yellow (I think it's mustard)

The creek is high

Sweet William

Wild Geranium



  1. Still in Las Vegas, good tea expo. Loved traveling along with you for a few moments on your bicycle.

  2. Ah, the joys of Spring. I LOVE to bike ride. It is such a different perspective even from walking. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures.

  3. Teafan12:32 PM

    I love that photo of you!

  4. You go girl............

  5. such beautiful pictures. it looks and sounds like a great bike ride.


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