Friday, May 22, 2009

Star Trek Movie - Thumbs Up

I saw the Star Trek movie this afternoon, and I loved it! In high school, I was a huge Star Trek fan. My favorite series is with Captain Picard, but I like them all.

I thought this movie was entertaining and clever. It took some nifty plots workings to fit in the story line (to make space for another movie), and I think the writers did it well.

But don't take my word for it - check out President Obama's review.

Did you see it? What did you think? My favorite aspect was how they wove in the old Spock.


  1. Loved it! I saw it on one of the opening nights when the theater was jam packed with Trekkies. I loved the laughter and the cheering at all the inside jokes. I thought Spock and Kirk were perfectly cast. Good plot-line--although I am always a tad uncomfortable when time travel is in the plot. I have to suspend too much disbelief.


  2. I can't wait to see it too! I'm hoping by next week I'll be up to sitting in the theatre.

    I'm glad it's getting good reviews! :)

  3. i saw it and loved it steph! the original star trek came out on tv when i was still in grade school and i can remember how heart broken i was when capt kirk ended up getting married in real life!lol we used to play star trek everyday on the playground!lol i really thought that this show was awesome. the plot was great and of course, really cool Spock aka leonard nimoy was in it!!!lol
    hugs to all trekkies lol :)

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM

    As a stand-alone movie I enjoyed it, but I have to echo Esmerelda's comment about not liking time travel within a plot. I noticed multiple holes in the logic of the plot, but it didn't totally ruin it for me. Zachary Quinto played the new younger Spock so well, I think he really made the film.

    I think I'll have to divide this Star Trek from all of the others simply because it set in motion a whole new alternate universe of possibilities, and it will rarely mirror my old-school Star Trek comfort zone. (Maybe I'm showing my age.)

    Deep Space Nine was the pinnacle of writing and acting in the Star Trek Universe in my opinion. I miss Captain Sisko and Garak.

  5. haven't seen it yet, but I WANT TO!!

  6. My son took me to see Star Trek on Mother's Day (he know what will make his mama happy).

    We loved it. They did an excellent job of casting.

    I don't remember when I last saw a movie at the theater where the audience clapped. They did this time.

  7. I am a HUGE Star Trek fan and I absolutely loved the new movie. When I originally saw the previews, I wasn't quite sure what I would think of it but after seeing the movie twice now (once in IMAX, fantastic!), I loved everything about it, especially the way they brought Leonard Nimoy back as Spock. I'm looking forward to seeing more Star Trek movies!


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