Saturday, June 06, 2009

Ladies in Pink

I recently concocted this dessert. I've named it Ladies in Pink. It's super-easy, and I hope you'll give it a try because it's very tasty and pretty! I had never used mascarpone before, but I enjoyed working with it.

  • For one serving, you need 9 lady fingers (split in half), in groups of three
  • Sliced strawberries, sweetened (I used honey)
  • Mascarpone cream, blended with lemon peel and sweetened slightly with honey or powdered sugar
  • Chopped nuts (I used toasted almonds)
  • Mint leaf, for garnish
  1. Spread a layer of mascarpone cream on one layer of lady fingers. Place the lady fingers on a plate, cream facing up.
  2. Top with strawberries and then sprinkle with nuts.
  3. Spread another layer of mascarpone cream on the second layer of lady fingers.
  4. Stack on top of the strawberries and nuts, cream facing up. Press down lightly to stabilize.
  5. Top with strawberries and nuts.
  6. Spread a layer of mascarpone cream on the final layer of lady fingers.
  7. Stack on top of the strawberries and nuts, cream facing up.
  8. Top with strawberries and nuts and garnish with a mint leaf.

Note: I don't like my desserts very soggy, but if you're a fan of soaked sweet breads, you can liberally pour the strawberry juice over the lady fingers, too. I did this judiciously.


  1. yum, yum steph! i think this sounds awesome! hugs!:)

  2. Love your recipe. I sometimes use marscapone with whip cream as a tart filling with fresh fruit. Similar feel to your lovely ladies in pink.

  3. How pretty! and the flavor is practically jumping off the page! This would be good with mixed berries too.

  4. Wow, this not only sounds delicious it LOOKS it!!!

  5. YUM!!!! oh brilliant choices on the ingredients! I'll give it a try!

  6. Looks so delicious. I've never used marscapone either. I'll have to give it a try!

  7. That does look very yummy. I really like all those ingredients and uncomplicated recipes, so I must give this a try.

  8. Gorgeous. Thanks for the recipe!

  9. OK, this not only looks yummy, it's also the best name for a dessert EVER! Love it!

  10. Oh yum! Please visit my blog to receive your award.

  11. Oh so yummy! I love fresh strawberries. Also a great way to use mascarpone.

  12. This was delicious! I'm so glad I was able to be your taster. :)

  13. Thanks for linking up to Tea Party Tuesday..this is a GREAT looking! Happy to have found another tea lover like me!

  14. Hi! I'd love it if you came over and linked up to savory sunday! It's on until saturday night :)


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